【Pets & Animals English - 51】The Only Zoo in the Arctic: Ranua Zoo, FINLAND ( 芬蘭北極地區的拉努阿動物園 )
【Pets & Animals English - 50】Reindeer & Caribou | Wild Arctic Animals ( 馴鹿和馴鹿| 北極野生動物 )
【Pets & Animals English - 49】15 Amazing Animal Friendships You Won't Believe! ( 難以置信的動物友誼!)
【Pets & Animals English - 48】What is a Capybara and Why is it So Chill? ( 自在慢活的水豚君 )
【Pets & Animals English - 47】Animal Adaptations ( 動物的適應性 )
【Pets & Animals English - 46】How smart are dolphins? ( 海豚有多聰明? )
【Pets & Animals English - 45】Zebra vs Horses: Animal Domestication (斑馬與馬。動物馴化)
【Pets & Animals English -44】 Halloween Animals (萬聖節動物)
【Pets & Animals English - 43】Are Vampire Bats Real? Animal Facts ( 吸血蝙蝠是真的嗎?)
【Pets & Animals English - 41】How do animals see in the dark? ( 動物在黑暗中如何看待?)
【Pets & Animals English - 42】Why I am Scared of Spiders (對蜘蛛的恐懼)
【Pets & Animals English - 38】The Science of DOGS ( 狗狗的科學新知 )
【Pets & Animals English - 40】Your Life Will be Better After you Know About Frogmouths ( 蛙嘴貓後讓生活更美好 )
【Pets & Animals English - 37】Why Koi Fish Are So Expensive ( 為什麼錦鯉魚這麼貴 )
【Pets & Animals English - 36】Why do whales sing? ( 鯨魚為什麼唱歌?)
【Pets & Animals English - 35】See Kangaroos & Koalas on Kangaroo Island, Australia ( 澳大利亞袋鼠島 )
【Pets & Animals English - 34】The Deadliest Venomous Animals In The World ( 世界上最致命的有毒動物 )
【Pets & Animals English - 33】How We Domesticated Cats (Twice) 我們是如何馴養貓咪的(兩次)
【Pets & Animals English - 32】Formosan Mountain Dog - the breed that won't disappear (台灣山犬-存活力最強悍的犬種)
【Pets & Animals English - 31】How community-led conservation can save wildlife ( 社區野生動物保護行動 )