【Business English - 51】Unwanted Christmas Gifts - Which? Investigates ( 不需要的聖誕禮物 )
【Business English - 50】Rockefeller Christmas Tree Makes It To NYC ( 紐約洛克菲勒中心聖誕樹 )
【Business English - 49】What makes art so expensive? (藝術品為什麼貴?)
【Business English - 40】Will robots take our jobs? ( 機器人將替代人工嗎?)
【Business English - zz】Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted (美國五角大廈幽浮事件大解密)
【Business English - 46】Will office life ever be the same again? (辦公型態能回到從前嗎?)
【Business English -03】Work Culture - Why does Japan work so hard? ( 日本為什麼這麼努力?)
【Business English -45】What is Singles Day? ( 什麼是光棍節?)
【Business English - 47】Is retail dying? (零售業正在凋零嗎?)
【Business English - 44】Halloween: How did we fall in love with pumpkins? (為什麼萬聖節要刻南瓜?)
【Business English - 43】How Did Daylight Saving Time (DST) Start? (夏令時DST如何開始的?)
【Business English - 41】Who is Leading in Renewable Energy? (誰在可再生能源領域處於領先地位?)
【Business English - 39】Domino's pizza closes final shops in Italy ( 達美樂披薩關閉了意大利的最後一家商店 )
【Business English - 04】Billionaire space race pits Jeff Bezos against Richard Branson ( 億萬富翁太空競賽 )
【Business English - 37】Elon Musk - 10 Rules For Success (伊隆馬斯克 - 成功的 10 條規則)
【Business English - 38】Steve Jobs Leadership Skills Breakdown - How To Motivate People (史蒂夫喬布斯領導技能)
【Business English - 36】'Quiet Quitting' and The Great Resignation (偉大的辭職)
【Business English - 35】What declining birth rates mean for the world (出生率下降對世界意味著什麼)
【Business English - 42】Can fashion ever be sustainable? (時尚能否永續發展?)
【Business English - 32】McDonald's: The Origins of a Fast Food Empire ( 麥當勞速食帝國起源 )