Cambridge International was established in 2002 as a leading language training academy that assists organizations in overcoming international communication challenges across their workforce. EnjoyABC is a branch of Cambridge International that focuses on developing English conversation and speaking skills for students and professionals.
17 topics including Travel, Lifestyle, Aviation, Food & Drink, Biz Stories, Traditions,
Pets & Animals, Nature, Culture, Technology, Chatroom, Biz Communication,
TED Talk, News, Movies, Mix, and Event English.
We use TOEIC & CEFR to assess our students' English level.
Our consultants are native speakers from the UK, US, NZ, AU, CA, and SA.
An annual certificate will be issued by Cambridge & EnjoyABC.
英商劍橋和享受英文口語聽說俱樂部提供每週 17 堂課程固定選1堂參加
英國教務免費程度分析 ( 使用多益測驗和 CEFR 歐洲共同語文參考架構 )
認識全球英語外師 ( 英國,美國, 紐西蘭, 澳洲, 加拿大和南非等歐美國家 )
英商Cambridge & EnjoyABC每年頒發英語修業證書。
費用實惠且由 TEDxTaichung 合作推廣 ,每周一堂課程且每月僅需 NTD1,800。
報名後請掃描下方 QR CODE 加 LINE。 ( 限高中以上+成人參加 )。
Real-life English for Overseas Study, Travel & Work
Real-life English for Overseas Study, Travel & WorkReal-life English for Overseas Study, Travel & Work
International Native English Speaking Tutors
International Native English Speaking TutorsInternational Native English Speaking Tutors
Addison (US)
press to zoom
Amy (US)
press to zoom
Anming (US)
press to zoom
Bianca (SA)
press to zoom
Claire (US)
press to zoom
Daniel (UK)
press to zoom
Ellen (SA)
press to zoom
Evangelina (ARG)
press to zoom
Garret (AU)
press to zoom
Gloria (IT)
press to zoom
Gregg (UK)
press to zoom
Hector (UK)
press to zoom
Hilton (SA)
press to zoom
Iman (CA)
press to zoom
Jay (US)
press to zoom
Josh (US)
press to zoom
Karl (NZ)
press to zoom
Maud (SA)
press to zoom
Maureen (SA)
press to zoom
Melissa (CA)
press to zoom
Ray (US)
press to zoom
Simona (US)
press to zoom
Stephany (UK)
press to zoom
Zachory (US)
press to zoom
Class Timetables
Class TimetablesClass Timetables
A unique, effective, and flexible way to integrate real-life English into your life. Develop the art of social conversation, learn about yourself, and broaden life opportunities!
Select 1,2 or 3 fixed scheduled classes
Drop into any live class
FLEXIBLE Class schedule
FLEXIBLE Membership
NATIVE English tutors
FREE trial class
BUSINESS classes
ACCESS to 100's of videos
Class Topics
Class TopicsClass Topics
這周巴黎 下周紐約 帶你暢遊世界各國風情
日常 + 社交互動 工作 + 學習 豐富多彩的日常英語對話
訂票 , 行李托運, 旅行社 登機, 機內餐飲+娛樂
這周漢堡+熱狗 下周飲茶+小籠包 世界各國形形色色的飲食
蘋果咬一口? 麥當勞金拱門? 沒問題, 國際學校教授來解答
蘇格蘭短裙 丹麥新年摔盤 各國傳統習俗等你探索
圓嘟嘟天竺鼠 八爪章魚 動物控的你一定有興趣
喜馬拉雅山 義大利露天溫泉 豐富多樣的地形生態
馬雅奧秘 非洲木雕 反映各國生活和慶典儀式
隱形智慧手機 雪茄飛碟 超乎想像的人類發明
包山包海 自由討論
了解與人相處的想法 + 觀察 交流彼此人際關係感受
流行文化 + 社會熱點 個人生活 + 工作和學習
時事、經濟、體育、 娛樂新聞
喜劇、劇情、動作、科幻 風俗習慣、價值觀
所有類型課程 不定時穿插
類似於綜合英語課程 每周五開放免費會員訂票
There is no better substitute for the real thing... Live conversation with native speakers from around the world is key to mastering English speaking. There's no better way to build your confidence and accelerate your ability to listen, understand, and achieve clear pronunciation skills with an authentic accent. Learning through real-life English with native English-speaking tutor facilitators allows you to focus on the core skills of listening, speaking fluency, expressing, and socializing. Experiencing interactive conversations with different native English accents is the ideal preparation for overseas study, travel, or work in an international company.
Class Introduction
Class IntroductionClass Introduction
* Topic: Travel, Lifestyle, Aviation, Food & Drink, Biz Stories,
* Tutors: Native English Speakers
歐美母語系外師 ( 英美紐澳加非等 )
* Students: Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, and more
* Capacity: Small groups up to 10