【Aviation English - 46】That's Why Airplanes Seem Spacious ( 機艙的寬敞視覺感受 )
【Aviation English - 48】Why Food Tastes Different On Planes? ( 飛機餐好難吃?揭秘飛機餐為何吃起來不一樣?)
【Aviation English - 44】Where do Pilots & Flight Attendants Sleep on Planes ( 空勤人員機內休息區 )
【Aviation English - 45】That's Why Airplanes Have to Fly So High ( 這就是為什麼飛機要飛得那麼高的原因 )
【Aviation English - 43】What Happens If Cabin Crew Forget to Pressurize Airplane (忘記給飛機加壓會怎樣?)
【Aviation English - 47】27 Pilots' Phrases Passengers Know Nothing About ( 飛行員才知道的術語 )
【Aviation English - 42】Top 5 Most Beautiful Airports in the World (世界上最美麗的 5 座機場)
【Aviation English - 41】Why Planes Still Have Ashtrays ( 客機上最雞肋的設計?明明不准抽菸,為什麼客機上還是有菸灰缸?)
【Aviation English - 39】British Airways - The Happiness Blanket ( 英國航空-隨心情變色的幸福飛機毯 )
【Aviation English - 40】How to Cope with a Fear of Flying (如何應付飛行恐懼? )
【Aviation English - 38】Plant That Can Fly A Plane ( 植物居然能讓飛機飛行?)
【Aviation English - 37】Why can't you use phones on planes? ( 為什麼飛機上不能用手機?)
【Aviation English - 36】Are Solar Planes The Future Of Flight? ( 太陽能飛機是飛行的未來嗎?)
【Aviation English - 34】What If Your Airplane Door Burst Open Mid-Flight? ( 飛機恐慌!機艙門在高空打開怎麼辦?)
【Aviation English - 33】Is The Flying Car Really Happening? ( 飛行汽車真的會發生嗎?)
【Aviation English - 32】Cosplay as Flight Attendants ( 臺灣麥當勞員工cosplay成空姐 )
【Aviation English - 35】Airport's Dirty Secret ( 機場的骯髒祕密 )
【Aviation English - 31】Are Birds A Real Threat To Planes? ( 鳥類能對飛行安全產生威脅嗎 )
【Aviation English - 30】Inside some of the world's most popular corporate helicopters ( 世界頂級商用私人直升機 )
【Aviation English -28】Fear of Flying - How to Relax on Airplane (飛行的恐懼--如何在飛機上放鬆心情)